by CEI Europe

Expands the management of the Inmediately Information Supply (SII in Spanish) of Microsoft Dynamics

Is it better for you to keep control over the invoices sent to the AEAT and send them in packages? Do you use simplified invoices? You always have to correct invoices with income tax retention? The SII is a new system thas has a lot of impact in the taxation system and the finantial departments. Therefore, it is necesary to ensure a correct comunication that allows to declare all the kinds of invoices without errors, as well as to ensure that all your invoicing model is going to be sent correctly. That is why QuoSII changes the way that the SII are managed inside Business Central, adding the possibility to package the invoices in shipments. Also, it includes the necesary settings to send simplified invoices, cash payments, and all the casuistry that it might be needed. Cliuck on install and take control on your statements and save time managing the SII, the finantial department will be very pleased with the change. This app supports both the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Supported Countries: Spain

At a glance